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Texture stage states control the style of texturing and how texture filtering is done.

Applications control the characteristics of the texture-related render states by invoking the IDirect3DMobileDevice::SetTextureStageStatemethod. The D3DMTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPEenumerated type specifies all the possible texture-related rendering states. Your application passes a value from the D3DMTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPEenumeration as the first parameter to the SetTextureStageStatemethod.

Applications set the texture for a stage by calling the IDirect3DMobileDevice::SetTextureStageStatemethod.

Texture Addressing State

Applications use the D3DMTSS_ADDRESSU, D3DMTSS_ADDRESSV, and D3DMTSS_ADDRESSW texture stage states to set the texture addressing.

Texture Border State

Applications use the D3DMTSS_BORDERCOLOR texture stage state to set border color texture addressing.

For more information, see Border Color Texture Address Mode.

Texture Filtering State

Applications use the D3DMTSS_MAGFILTER, D3DMTSS_MINFILTER, and D3DMTSS_MIPFILTER texture-stage states to control texture filtering.

Texture Blending State

Applications use the texture blending states defined by the D3DMTSS_COLOROP and D3DMTSS_ALPHAOP texture stage states to control texture blending.

For more information, see Multiple Texture Blending.

See Also


Device States