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This function decrements the reference count of a global string atom. When GlobalDeleteAtomdecrements the reference count for the atom to zero, GlobalDeleteAtomremoves the string associated with the atom from the global atom table.


ATOM GlobalDeleteAtom(



[in] Atom that identifies the character string that you want to delete or for which you want to decrement the reference count.

Return Value

0 indicates success or that the atom is an integer atom. The value of the nAtomparameter indicates failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


A reference count for a string atom specifies the number of times that an application has added the string to the atom table. The GlobalAddAtomfunction increments the reference count of a string that already exists in the global atom table each time that an application calls GlobalAddAtomfor that string.

Each call to GlobalAddAtomshould have a corresponding call to GlobalDeleteAtom. Do not call GlobalDeleteAtommore times than you call GlobalAddAtomor you may delete the atom while other applications are using the atom.

GlobalDeleteAtomdoes not affect an integer atom. The function always returns 0 for an integer atom.


Header windows.h
Library coredll.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also