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This function is an application-defined callback function. It is called as a result of a call to the EnumCalendarInfofunction, and receives a pointer to a string buffer that contains a calendar information string.


BOOL CALLBACK EnumCalendarInfoProc(



[out] Pointer to a string buffer that contains a null-terminated calendar information string. This string is formatted according to the CALTYPEvalue passed to EnumCalendarInfo.

Return Value

TRUE continues enumeration. FALSE stops enumeration.


Windows Embedded CE supports only the Unicode version of this function.

An EnumCalendarInfoProcfunction can carry out any desired task.

An application registers an EnumCalendarInfoProcfunction by passing its address to the EnumCalendarInfofunction.

This function poses a security risk. The parameter lpCalendarInfoStringis only used as input but not declared as a const string. The user may fill anything into it and can cause a buffer overflow.


Header winnls.h
Library Coreloc.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also