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For Windows ®phones, you can use the Extended DNS Querying and Update Catalog item (SYSGEN_DNSAPI) to provide the Dynamic DNS protocol. Use this protocol to set the device name in a DNS server database. The device name can be registered programmatically. Alternatively, the device can be configured to register its name in a DNS database automatically whenever its name is changed or a network adapter becomes available.

Windows phones also support Secure DNS for DNS servers that require authentication to modify their values. For Secure DNS, Windows Embedded CE supports a subset of programming elements that are available from Windows desktop implementations of Dnsapi.dll. Secure DNS uses Kerberos for authentication. Kerberos allows you to perform more secure, dynamic updates. For more information about these functions, see DNS Functions.

In Windows Embedded CE, Dynamic DNS is based on RFC 2136, Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE). Secure Dynamic DNS (SYSGEN_SECURE_DDNS) is supported only by Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003. Secure DNS supports IPv6.

See Also