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Creating an image consisting of multiple XIP regions is done when MAKEIMG is run and is controlled by Config.bib and the IMGMULTIBIN environment variable. This variable must be set to 1 to build a multiple-XIP image.

The output of a successful multiple-XIP MAKEIMG process produces the following files:

  • A .bin file for every XIP region.

  • A single .bin file containing all XIP regions, named Xip.bin.

  • A .bin file for the XIP chain, named Chain.bin.

  • An .nb0 file, if ROMSTART, ROMWIDTH, or ROMSIZE are set in Config.bib.

    The .nb0 file is a layout of all the .bin files, including Chain.bin, as they should appear in ROM.

See Also


Multiple XIP Support
Config.bib Checklist

Other Resources