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The following table shows the credential manager functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description


This function frees the buffer that is allocated by CeCredRead. This function is deprecated. Use the CredFreefunction instead.


This function returns a pointer to a credential structure that is specified by the target string. This function is deprecated. Use the CredReadfunction instead.


This function creates or updates a credential that is specified by the target string. This function is deprecated. Use the CredWritefunction instead.


This function deletes the credential that is uniquely identified by the tuple that contains the credential type and the target ID associated with the credential.


This function frees the buffer that is allocated by the credential manager using CredRead. This function replaces CeCredFree.


This function retrieves credential information that is uniquely identified by the tuple that contains the credential type and the target ID associated with the credential. This function replaces CeCredRead.


This function updates the credential that is uniquely identified by the tuple that contains the credential type and the target ID associated with the credential.


This function creates a credential that is uniquely identified by the tuple that contains the credential type and the target ID associated with the credential. This function replaces CeCredWrite.

See Also