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Power Manager provides several functions to allow applications to affect system and device power management. Of the functions in this list, only GetSystemPowerState, SetPowerRequirement, and ReleasePowerRequirementare intended for use by generic applications. For example, applications can use SetSystemPowerStateto suspend the system, but Power Manager may restrict the system power states that can be entered as a result of application requests. The other functions are intended for use by OEM applications, such as Control Panel utilities. The following table shows the device power management functions.

Function Description


Returns the name of the current system power state.


Requests that Power Manager change the current system power state.


Requests that Power Manager maintain the power state of a device at a minimum level.


Informs Power Manager that it no longer needs to maintain the device minimum power state set in a previous call to SetPowerRequirement.


Returns the current power state of a device.


Requests that Power Manager change the power state of a device.

See Also