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The following table shows the Automation enumerations with a description of the purpose of each.

Windows Mobile may not support all of the programming elements in this section. For information about differences between the COM implementation available for Windows Mobile devices and that available for Windows Embedded CE devices, see COM and DCOM in Windows Mobile Devices.

Programming element Description


This enumeration identifies the calling convention used by a method described in the METHODDATAstructure.


This enumeration identifies the type description being bound to.


This enumeration lists various kinds of access of a function.


This enumeration identifies the constants that define the properties of a function.


This enumeration is used to specify the way in which a function is to be invoked by IDispatch::Invoke.


This enumeration specifies various types of data and functions.


This enumeration is used in VARIANT and VARIANTARG, TYPEDESC, OLE property sets, and safe arrays.

See Also