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This property identifies the message using a 20-byte, correlation identifier.


HRESULT get_CorrelationId( 
HRESULT put_CorrelationId( 


pvarMsdIdor varMsgId

A 20-byte application-defined correlation identifier.

Return Value

The following table describes the common return values.

Value Description




One or more arguments are invalid


The function contains no implementation


Out of memory


CorrelationIdprovides an application-defined identifier that the receiving application can use to sort messages.

The correlation identifier must be a 20-byte identifier. If the correlation identifier is not 20bytes, an MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PROPERTY_SIZE error is returned when the message is sent.

When sending response messages back to the sending application, the CorrelationIdproperty of the response message can be set to the message identifier ( MSMQMessage.Id) of the original message that is in the queue. This provides an easy mechanism that the sending application can use to match the response message with the original message that was sent.

When Message Queuing generates an acknowledgment message or report message, it uses the CorrelationIdproperty to return the message identifier of the original message. The application reading the acknowledgment or report message can then look at the CorrelationIdproperty to find the message identifier of the original message that was sent.

When generating acknowledgment and report messages, connector applications must set the correlation identifier of the acknowledgment and report messages to the message identifier of the original message.

Equivalent Function property

When using functions, the correlation identifier of the message can be set and retrieved using the PROPID_M_CORRELATIONIDproperty.


Header mqoai.h
Library mqoa.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also