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The system sends Input Method Editor (IME) window messages to the window that has focus when certain events occur. For example, the system sends the WM_IME_SETCONTEXTmessage when a window is activated. IME–unaware windows pass these messages to the DefWindowProcfunction, which sends them to the corresponding default IME window. IME–aware windows either process these messages or forward them to their own IME windows.

To have an IME window carry out an action, use the WM_IME_CONTROLmessage. To have the IME notify an application about changes to the composition string, use the WM_IME_COMPOSITIONmessage. Use the WM_IME_NOTIFYmessage for general changes to the status of IME windows.

To process the WM_IME_COMPOSITIONmessage, applications test the bits in the lParamparameter and call the ImmGetCompositionStringfunction to retrieve the indicated string or data.

See Also