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To use SSPI, both the client and the server call InitSecurityInterface, the provider's initialization function, to get a pointer to the SecurityFunctionTablestructure. The structure contains pointers to SSPI functions implemented by the SSP. To use a function, the caller should dereference the field of the same name in the structure. It is not recommended to call an SSPI function directly. If the provider does not support an underlying operation, it might not implement the corresponding SSPI function.

Next, the applications call the AcquireCredentialsHandlewith the name of the security provider specified. You can also use the EnumerateSecurityPackagesfunction to enumerate the security packages available from the security provider and to return an array of SecPkgInfostructures that describe attributes of the available security packages. Calling the QuerySecurityPackageInfofunction retrieves the attributes of the specified security package.

For a code example, see SSPI Sample Application.

See Also