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Windows Sockets transport and namespace service providers are DLLs with a single exported procedure entry point for the service provider initialization function WSPStartupor NSPStartup, respectively. All other service provider functions are made accessible to Ws2.dll through the service provider's dispatch table. Service provider DLLs are loaded into memory by Ws2.dll only when needed, and are unloaded when their services are no longer required.

The SPI also defines several circumstances in which a transport service provider calls up into Ws2.dll (upcalls) to obtain DLL support services. The transport service provider DLL is given the upcall dispatch table for Ws2.dll using the UpcallTableparameter to WSPStartup.

Service providers should have their file extension changed from .dll to .wsp or .nsp. This requirement is not strict. A service provider will still operate with Ws2.dll with any file extension.

See Also