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All Windows Mobile functions and external interfaces represent a year with four digits, for example 2020. The OEM is responsible for storing a compressed date in the OEM adaptation layer (OAL) so that it passes the correct date to the hardware. This compressed date can have up to a 100-year range, for example 1950 to 2049.

Windows Mobile does not have any inherit logic for converting two-digit years to four-digit years. OLE functions convert all two-digit years ending in 29 or less to twenty-first century dates. They convert all two-digit years ending in 30 or more to twentieth century dates. For example, OLE converts 29 to 2029 and 30 to 1930. OLE internal functions use four-digit years. They only convert two-digit years to four-digit years when an application supplies a two-digit year string to an OLE function. OLE conversions do not affect the date information used by the OS.

You can use the real-time clock functions to make sure that your OS design handles dates properly. Use the GetSystemTime, the SetSystemTime, and the CeSetUserNotificationfunctions to set, and then retrieve, various twentieth-century and twenty-first century dates.

See Also