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Privacy settings for the Internet zone can be changed from the Privacytab in the Internet Optionsdialog box. The implementation uses the Privacy Functionsto perform the following tasks:

  • Change the privacy level

    Use the PrivacySetZonePreferenceWfunction to change the privacy levels in Internet Explorer. Pass the appropriate template identifiers in the dwTemplateparameter. For more information about PrivacyTemplates flags to specify, see Privacy Flags.

  • Apply advanced settings

    Use PrivacySetZonePreferenceWto apply advanced settings. Pass PRIVACY_TEMPLATE_ADVANCED as the template identifier in dwTemplateand specify the template to use in the pszPreferenceparameter depending on the option selected in the Privacytab of the Internet Optionsdialog box in your browser. The following table shows the values to pass.

    Values Description

    "IE6-P3PV1/settings: always=a"

    The Acceptradio button is selected in the Privacytab.

    "IE6-P3PV1/settings: always=r"

    The Blockradio button is selected in the Privacytab.

    "IE6-P3PV1/settings: always=p"

    The Promptradio button is selected in the Privacytab.

The session=ais added to each one of these templates if Always allow session cookiesis enabled in the Privacytab.

See Also