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This IOCTL is responsible for initializing any data structures and events used to notify the RIL proxy of asynchronous command completion and unsolicited notifications.



[in] Handle to a RIL stream driver instance returned by CreateFile.


[in] Name of the vent used by the RIL driver to notify the RIL proxy not to wait for future notifications. This event is not currently implemented. The RIL proxy automatically discontinues waiting for notifications when a client calls RIL_Deinitialize.


[in] Specifies the size, in bytes, of the szNotifyCancelEventNamenumber.


[out] Name of the event used by the RIL driver to notify the RIL proxy that there is a new command result or an unsolicited notification available.


[in] Specifies the size, in bytes, of the szNotifyEventNamebuffer.


[out] Amount of szNotifyEventNamebuffer space used by the event name.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure.


This IOCTL is called once each RIL instance during initialization to exchange the name of events to be used for notifications.

When a new asynchronous command result is ready, the RIL driver should trigger the szNotifyEventNamenamed event.

See Also