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The responses that the control point receives for the search request contain URLs that provide descriptions of the device's capabilities. To retrieve a description for an individual device, the control point issues an HTTP GET request to this URL.

When a device receives a request for device description information, it replies with an HTTP response that contains the device description in the message body. UPnP device description information consists of:

  • An XML document that contains several pieces of device-specific data.

  • Definitions of all nested devices.

  • A list of all services supported by the device, including state variables and actions.

The discovery message contains the URL for the device description document; similarly, the device description document contains URLs for service description documents, in instances of the SCPDURL element. A service description document contains information about the actions and state variables.

The following XML is a sample XML device description document. Both the C Device Host API and the COM Device Host API use device description documents like this one.

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0">

	<friendlyName>Mark's UPnP Device Host
	<modelDescription>Mark's UPnP-X10 Light and Dimmer




See Also