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The following table shows the registry values that control the on-to-suspend power state for Windows Embedded CE. These values are stored as DWORDsin the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Powerregistry key. A value of zero disables the action.

Registry value name Default value Description


300 (5 minutes)

While running on battery power, the number of seconds without user input activity before the system is suspended.


0 (disabled)

While running on external power, the number of seconds without user input activity before the system is suspended.


60 (1 minute)

Following a non-user input event wakeup such as an alarm, the number of seconds without user input activity before the system is suspended.


0 (disabled)

Number of seconds without user input activity before the Graphics, Windowing, and Events Subsystem (GWES) posts an APM_POWERBROADCAST, PBT_APMUSERIDLE message to the registered taskbar window.

To enable GWES to control suspend timeouts, you must use these registry settings. You must also prevent Power Manager from attempting to control system suspended states. In the sample Power Manager implementation, you can do this by removing definitions for Power Manager timeouts from the registry. When GWES is managing system suspend time-outs, it uses Power Manager by calling SetSystemPowerState.

Registry Settings

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   "BattPowerOff"=dword:12C	 // 300 seconds
   "WakeupPowerOff"=dword:3C	// 60 seconds

See Also