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This method is implemented to receive a pointer to an IIMCallbackinterface. An input method (IM) uses the IIMCallbackinterface to send keystrokes to applications and to change the icons on the Input Panelbutton.


HRESULT RegisterCallback( 



Pointer to an IIMCallbackinterface implemented in the software-based input panel. The IM can call methods on this interface to send information back to the software-based input panel.

Return Value

Return S_OK to indicate success. Return the appropriate HRESULTvalue to indicate failure.


The IIMCallbackinterface to the software-based input panel is exposed only through this method. The software-based input panel calls this method during the initialization of the IM, along with Select,, GetInfo, and ReceiveSipInfo.


Header sip.h
Library uuid.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.01 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also