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This method is implemented to perform any saving routines before the software-based input panel is hidden.


HRESULT Hiding(void); 

Return Value

Return S_OK to indicate success. Return the appropriate HRESULTvalue to indicate failure.


This method is called by the system when the user toggles the visible state of the software-based input panel off. Programmatically, this occurs when the SIPF_ON flag is toggled off in the SIPINFOstructure. Hiding the software-based input panel allows the user to see more of the current application. The software-based input panel is hidden upon return from this call. Use this method to save any data the input method (IM) needs to display when the software-based input panel becomes visible again. The data is used to reinitialize the software-based input panel and IM in the IInputMethod::Showingmethod.


Header sip.h
Library uuid.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.01 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also