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This function locks the cache entry file associated with the specified URL.


BOOL RetrieveUrlCacheEntryFile(



[in] Address of a string containing the URL of the resource associated with the cache entry. This must be a unique name. The name string should not contain any escape characters.


[out] Address of a cache entry information buffer. If the buffer is not sufficient, this function returns FALSE and and sets the last error code to ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER. Applications can retrieve this error value by calling GetLastError. The parameter lpdwCacheEntryInfoBufferSizeis set to the number of bytes required.


[in, out] Address of an unsigned long integer variable that specifies the size of the lpCacheEntryInfobuffer. When the function returns, the variable contains the size of the actual buffer used or required. The caller should check the return value in this parameter. If the return size is less than or equal to the size passed in, all the relevant data has been returned.


[in] Reserved. Must be set to zero.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise.


This function does not parse URLs, so a URL containing an anchor (#) will not be found in the cache, even if the resource is cached. Applications must call GetLastErrorto retrieve the error code. For example, if the URL was passed, GetLastErrorreturns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND even if is in the cache.

The file is locked for the caller when it is retrieved; the caller should unlock the file after it has been used up. The cache manager automatically unlocks the files after a certain interval. While the file is locked, the cache manager will not remove the file from the cache. It is important to note that this function can be efficient or expensive, depending on the internal implementation of the cache.

For instance, if the URL data is stored in a packed file that contains data for other URLs, the cache will copy the data to a file in a temporary directory maintained by the cache. The cache will eventually delete the copy. It is recommended that this function be used only in situations where a file name is needed to launch an application.


Header wininet.h
Library wininet.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.12 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also