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This function receives information about a registry change notification.


LONG CeRegGetNotificationInfo(
	__in HANDLE hChangeHandle,
	__in DWORD dwFlags, 
	__inout_bcount(nBufferLength) __opt LPVOID lpBuffer, 
	__in DWORD nBufferLength, 
	__out LPDWORD lpBytesReturned, 
	__out LPDWORD lpBytesAvailable	);



[in]Handle to a change notification handle created by the CeFindFirstRegChangefunction.


[in] Unused. Set to zero.


Pointer to a buffer that receives data for the change. Can be set to NULL if the caller is only requesting the lpBytesAvailableparameter .


Length of buffer in lpBuffer. This value can be set to zero if the calling function is only requesting size.


[out] The number of bytes returned in lpBuffer .This value can be set to NULL if requesting only lpBytesAvailable.


[out] The number of bytes of notification data currently available.

Return Values

A nonzero value indicates success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


If lpBufferis set to NULL and nBufferLength is set to zero, this function sets lpBytesAvailableto the current number of bytes available.

When this function returns, lpBuffercontains a pointer to a REG_NOTIFY_INFORMATIONstructure.

If more notification data is available when CeGetFileNotificationInforeturns successfully, GetLastErrorreturns ERROR_MORE_DATA. If notifications are available, but they do not fit in lpBuffer, GetLastErrorreturns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.


Header winreg.h
Library coredll.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also