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This function registers a synchronization partner with an EDB volume.


BOOL CeAddSyncPartner(
	PCEGUID pVolGuid,
	PCEGUID pSyncPartnerGuid,
	LPCWSTR pwszFriendlyName,
	LPCWSTR pwszFullName  



[in] Pointer to the CEGUIDstructure that contains the globally unique identifier (GUID) of a mounted database volume, or of the shared volume. This parameter cannot be set to NULL.


[in] Pointer to the CEGUIDstructure that uniquely identifies the synchronization partner. This parameter cannot be set to NULL.


[in] Pointer to the NULL-terminated string that contains the friendly name of the synchronization partner. The maximum number of characters for this string is 128, excluding the terminating NULL character. This parameter cannot be set to NULL.


[in] Pointer to NULL-terminated string containing the fully qualified name of the synchronization partner. The maximum number of characters for this string is 128, excluding the terminating NULL character. This parameter cannot be set to NULL.

Return Value

True indicates success. False indicates failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. The following table shows possible values:

Return Value Description


The database is too big.


The tracking tables could not be found.


The database is corrupted.


One or more parameters is invalid.


The volume specified by GUID in the buffer pointed to by pVolGuidcould not be found.


Too many sessions are open.


Use the CREATE_SYSTEMGUIDmacro to obtain the CEGUID of the shared volume.

Invoking the tracking functions on a CEDB volume causes an error, and GetLastErrorreturns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.


Header windbase.h
Library coredll.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also