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Windows Mobile Standard uses the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:< FolderName> to specify options for the background of a Start menu folder. The following table shows the necessary registry values.

Value : Type Description

BKDefaultGradient: DWORD

Specifies whether the default background has a gradient color or not. If it is set to 0, the background is white. If it is set to 1, the background has a gradient (the left side is white, and the right side is a color specified by the system color).

BKBitmapFileoverrides BKDefaultGradient. If you specify a background image with BKBitmapFile, BKDefaultGradientis ignored.

BKBitmapFile: STRING

Specifies the name of the file that should be used for the background image.

BKBitmapTransparent: DWORD

Determines if the background image is transparent or not.


Determines how to justify the image.


Copy Code
   "BKBitmapFile"		= "\\windows\\stonehenge.gif"
   "BKBitmapTransparent" = dword:FF00FF
   "BKFlags"			 = dword:1a
   "GridView"			= dword:1 

   "BKBitmapFile"		= "\\windows\\bliss.gif"
   "BKBitmapTransparent" = dword:FF00FF
   "BKFlags"			 = dword:1a
   "GridView"			= dword:0

See Also

Other Resources

Start Screen and Start Menu