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Services.exe is a process that acts as a host to service dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). Services.exe provides enhanced loading capabilities, such as support for starting, pausing, and stopping services. In addition to hosting services and providing enhanced loading capabilities, Services.exe can also be configured to wait on connection.

Services.exe helps prevent a device failure resulting from a service crash, but it does not prevent a resulting crash in another unrelated service. All services should be properly debugged prior to deployment.

In This Section

Activating a Service Programmatically

Provides information about how to activate a service programmatically by calling ActivateService.

Controlling a Running Service

Provides information about how to control a service through various IOCTLs.

Configuring Services.exe to Load a Standalone Service

Provides information about how to configure Services.exe to load a service in standalone mode

Using Services.exe from the Command Line

Provides information about the command line options available for Services.exe.

Super Services

Provides information about a super service that is designed to allow all ports to be monitored by Services.exe.

Registering a Service Programmatically

Provides information about how to register a service programmatically by calling RegisterService.

Stopping a Running Service

Provides information about how to stop a service programmatically by calling DeregisterService.