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The following table shows the Internet Explorer MLang enumerations with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description


This enumerated type is used as a member of the MIMECPINFOstructure to specify the possible uses of a code page.


This enumeration is used as an inbound or outbound flag for character set conversion.


This enumeration is used with the IMultiLanguage3::DetectOutboundCodePageand IMultiLanguage3::DetectOutboundCodePageInIStreammethods to control the behavior of the methods.


This enumeration is used with the code page detection methods IMultiLanguage2::DetectInputCodepageand IMultiLanguage2::DetectCodepageInIStreamto specify the type of the incoming data.


This enumeration contains the script identifiers for the IMLangFontLink2::GetScriptFontInfomethod.


This enumeration contains the script font values used by the IMLangFontLink2::GetScriptFontInfoand IMultiLanguage2::EnumScriptsmethods.