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To set the default locale for the system, you set the following registry value to a hexadecimal value that represents the default locale to use for the system.

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  "DefaultLCID": REG_DWORD 

If this is not set, then the default is locale 0x409.

To override a locale's default original equipment manufacturer (OEM) code page, you must set the following registry value to a hexadecimal value that represents the default OEM code page to use instead of the one defined by the current locale.

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  "DefaultOCP": REG_DWORD

If an invalid or unsupported OEM code page is supplied, then the default code of 437 is used for the system.

To override a locale's default ASCII code page, you must set the following registry value to a hexadecimal value that represents the default ASCII code page to use instead of the one defined by the current locale.

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  "DefaultACP": REG_DWORD

If an invalid or unsupported OEM code page is supplied, then the default code of 1252 is used for the system.

For an example of these registry values, see Common.reg in Microsoft® Platform Builder.

See Also