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This section contains the properties for the IInkDrawingAttributesclass.

Programming element Description


Returns or sets the value that specifies whether the foreground and background colors along the edge of the ink are blended to increase the smoothness of an ink stroke.


Returns or sets the color of the ink drawn with this InkDrawingAttributesobject.


Returns the collection of application-defined data that is stored in the InkDrawingAttributesobject.


Returns or sets the value that specifies whether ink is rendered as a series of curves instead of as lines between pen sample points.


Returns or sets how the pen color interacts with the existing background colors on the display when the ink is drawn.


Returns or sets the transparency value of drawn ink. Values range from zero (totally opaque) to 255 (totally transparent).


Returns or sets the width of the pen when drawing ink with this InkDrawingAttributesobject.

See Also