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To delete a file from an FTP server, an application can use the FtpDeleteFilefunction. The calling application must have the necessary privileges to delete a file from the FTP server.

The following example shows how to delete the file indicated by the IDC_FTPEdit2edit box. The HINTERNEThandle hSecondarywas created by InternetConnectafter establishing an FTP session. DisplayDiris another function that is designed to enumerate the directory.

Copy Code
int WINAPI DeleteFile(HWND hX)
	char strInFile[80];
	strInFile[0] = 0;

	if (strlen(strInFile)==0)
		MessageBox(hX,"File Name Must Be Specified.","Remove
		return 0;
			ErrorOut(hX,GetLastError(),"Remove Dir");
			return 0;
			MessageBox(hX,"File Deleted","Remove Dir",MB_OK);
			return DisplayDir(hX,INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD);

See Also