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This message is sent to the application through the WM_IME_REQUESTmessage when the IME needs to change the RECONVERTSTRINGstructure, which was previously filled in by the application on receiving the IMR_RECONVERTSTRINGmessage.


lParam = (LPARAM)



Long pointer to a buffer that contains the reconversion string.

Return Value

A nonzero value indicates that the application has accepted the changed RECONVERTSTRINGstructure. Zero indicates that the IME uses the original RECONVERTSTRING.


After the application has handled IMR_RECONVERTSTRING, the IME may or may not adjust the RECONVERTSTRINGstructure specified by the application. The IME sends WM_IME_REQUEST with IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRINGto confirm the changes to the RECONVERTSTRING. If the application returns true for IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING, the IME will generate a new composition string based on the RECONVERTSTRINGstructure in the IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRINGmessage. If the application returns false for IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING, the IME will generate a new composition string based on the original RECONVERTSTRINGstructure specified by the application in the IMR_RECONVERTSTRINGmessage.


Header imm.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also