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Simon Hart, Consultant - Edenbrook

February 2009


This article provides a step-by-step approach to creating an extensible, generic managed Configuration Service Provider (CSP) API with a managed virtual private network (VPN) CSP. We show how to add a VPN to an existing network connection by using the API programmatically on Windows Mobile operating systems, version 5 and later. You will see how easy it is to create and add new CSPs to the API, which makes working with CSPs for mobile developers a lot easier.

Applies To

Windows Mobile 5

Windows Mobile 6

.NET Compact Framework 2.0

.NET Compact Framework 3.5


This article assumes the reader has some device application development experience and knows what a CSP is. If this isn't the case, you can learn more about CSPs here .

CSPs on Windows Mobile 5 and later offer no rich API, managed or unmanaged, that developers can tap into easily. Instead, developers must construct large XML files using tools such as System.Xml, which often require large amounts of code. This approach is error prone and tedious, since the XML needs to conform to the CSP XML schema.

Once the XML is created, it needs to be provisioned to the device by using the following call:


Note:Assembly Microsoft.WindowsMobile is only available on Windows Mobile 5 and later. For earlier devices, use P/Invoke DMProcessConfig .

A rich, managed API can encapsulate the complex business concerns and abstract them away from the consumer, thereby simplifying the whole design and promoting a highly cohesive and loosely coupled framework. If the Windows Mobile CSP implementation ever changes, it will have little effect (if any) on the consumer code.

This article demonstrates step by step just one approach to achieving this goal.

Creating a Network Connection Programmatically

This article is closely related to a previous article I wrote and published on my web site here . In that article we talked about how to create a custom network and then create a connection to associate to that network using the "vanilla" CSPs and XML.

So this article was born and takes it to the next level. If you want to run the following code example, you'll need to create a network connection as specified in my previous blog post . (The steps to creating a network and connection are actually contained in the sample code for convenience.) Our first managed CSP will be a VPN CSP which will add (you guessed it) a VPN connection (or multiple) VPN connections to the existing connection we previously created. The VPN CSP is known as the CM_VPNEntries CSP (see this Microsoft Web site ).

Creating Our Managed CSP API

We will talk about each step sequentially. First we will create the API, then the VPN CSP. After this we will call the API from client code to show how it works.

1. CSP Actions

First, we will start by creating an interface that contains common actions for a CSP named IConfigurationServiceProviderActions:

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public interface IConfigurationServiceProviderActions

	string SerializeToXml();
	void Provision();

Now we need to implement the implementer, ConfigurationServiceProviderActions. This class is common to which each CSP will derive to reduce boilerplate code throughout our CSPs.

Copy Code
   public class ConfigurationServiceProviderActions :
		#region Methods
		/// <summary>
		/// Provisions this CSP to the device.
		/// </summary>
		public void Provision()
			var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

		/// <summary>
		/// Serializes this CSP to XML.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public string SerializeToXml()
			StringWriter sw = null;
			StringBuilder sb = null;
				sb = new StringBuilder();
				sw = new StringWriter(sb,
				var serializer =
					new XmlSerializer(GetType());
				var ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
				ns.Add("", "");
				serializer.Serialize(sw, this, ns);
				if (sw != null)
			return sb.ToString();


2. Building the CSP Boilerplate Code

Next, we will create the main IConfigurationServiceProviderinterface:

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public interface IConfigurationServiceProvider<T> :
	ConfigurationServiceProviderBody<T> Body { get; set; }

As you can see, this interface also implements the IConfigurationServiceProviderActionsinterface that we created earlier. We do this for good practice reasons. It enables us to have access to the SerializeToXMLand Provisionmethods (and any other methods we may want to implement for future versions of the API) when working with the interface.

Now we need to implement the implementer, ConfigurationServiceProvider:

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public class ConfigurationServiceProvider<T> :
	public ConfigurationServiceProvider(Csp csp)
		Body = new ConfigurationServiceProviderBody<T>
			CspType = csp

	public ConfigurationServiceProviderBody<T> Body

The above class is the main class we work by way of the interface. As you can see, no code will change when you implement new CSPs.

3. Building the CSP Body

Next, we will define the IConfigurationServiceProviderBodyinterface class, which contains each “characteristic” block as well as the type of the CSP we want to use.

First, let’s look at the interface:

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public interface IConfigurationServiceProviderBody<T>
	Collection<T> Items { get; }
	Csp CspType { get; set; }

The interface is named generically so that we can support many types of CSPs. In this example, T will be of type Vpn.

Now for the implementer for IConfigurationServiceProviderBody:

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public class ConfigurationServiceProviderBody<T> :
	public Collection<T> Items

	public Csp CSPType


As you can see, the CSPType property is the property we set in the ConfigurationServiceProviderclass to tell the API what CSP we are creating.

The above example is made up of fairly straightforward code. You’ll notice the XML declarations appended to the properties; when the model is serialized, we get the correct schema that the CSP expects. Also note the use of automatic properties (if you're new to C# 3.0, see my blog post on C# 3.0 feature ).

4. Adding the CSP Enumerator

Next is the CSP enumerator, which is very simple and resembles the following:

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public enum Csp

Although we currently only have one CSP, this is the point in the code where we add new CSPs to extend the API.

5. Looking at the Characteristic Class

So far, we've looked at the boilerplate code that makes up this API, but we haven’t looked at the guts of the characteristic we are working with.

For reusability, we have created a class named Characteristic. This class defines the core characteristic. It contains a list of parameters that tell the CSP what properties to set with what values. It also contains the Name property which has a generic meaning for each CSP in most cases, though; it is simply the name of the entity that is currently being created.

The Characteristicclass is the most complex of all the classes, but fear not: the code doesn’t need to be written again and again. It is simply reused.

It looks like the following:

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public class Characteristic
	private readonly ParameterCollection parameters = null;

	public Characteristic()
		parameters = new ParameterCollection();

	public string Name

	public ParameterCollection Parameters
			return parameters;
public class ParameterCollection : Collection<Parameter>
	public Parameter this[string name]
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("name");

			var parameter = this.Where(p =>
p.Name.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) ==

			if (parameter.Count() > 0)
				return parameter.ToList()[0];
				throw new
"Parameter {0} is not valid as it wasn't found", name));

public class Parameter
	public string Name

	public string Value

The Nameproperty is simply (in our VPN case) the name of the VPN. The Parameterscollection is a custom collection (class ParameterCollection) that defines all the parameters that we are interested in. We define a custom collection so we can select parameters by name; we can also call the default indexer to select by index. We use the LINQ to Objects technology to do the actual selecting, which is another example of how LINQ makes coding easier.

The Parameterclass contains the Nameand Valueproperties that correspond to a parmtype in the CSP. As in our VPN case, an example of this is the Username parm.

The last class is the Vpnclass. This class simply derives the Characteristicclass, and its constructor creates all the supported parameters:

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public class Vpn : Characteristic
	public Vpn()
		base.Parameters.Add(new Parameter() 
			 { Name = "UserName", Value = "" });
		base.Parameters.Add(new Parameter() 
			 { Name = "Password", Value = "" });
		base.Parameters.Add(new Parameter() 
			 { Name = "SrcId", Value = "" });
		base.Parameters.Add(new Parameter() 
			 { Name = "DestId", Value = "" });
		base.Parameters.Add(new Parameter() 
			 { Name = "Phone", Value = "" });
		base.Parameters.Add(new Parameter() 
			 { Name = "Domain", Value = "" });
		base.Parameters.Add(new Parameter() 
			 { Name = "Type", Value = "1" });
		base.Parameters.Add(new Parameter() 
			 { Name = "IPSecAuth", Value = "0" });

Our VPNclass above creates the relevant parameter objects during construction. And as you will see the way to access them is done by way of the Parameterscollection. We could if we wanted to, make this class type safe. Since this class is essentially wrapping the Characteristicclass, you need to provide additional properties for each parameter. Something like the following would work:

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public string UserName
		Return Parameters["UserName"].Value;
		Parameters["UserName"].Value = value;

6. Calling the API

The following code illustrates how we call this API:

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IConfigurationServiceProvider<Vpn> vpn = new
var vpn1 = new Vpn
				 Name = "MyVPN1",
var vpn2 = new Vpn
				 Name = "MyVPN2"

vpn1.Parameters["username"].Value = "simon";
vpn1.Parameters["password"].Value = "password";
vpn1.Parameters["domain"].Value = "domain";
vpn1.Parameters["phone"].Value = "1234";

vpn2.Parameters["username"].Value = "simon2";
vpn2.Parameters["password"].Value = "password2";
vpn2.Parameters["domain"].Value = "domain2";
vpn2.Parameters["phone"].Value = "5678";

vpn1.Parameters["srcId"].Value ="{8b06c75c-d628-4b58-8fcd-43af276755fc}";
vpn1.Parameters["destId"].Value ="{8b06c75c-d628-4b58-8fcd-43af276755fc}";

vpn2.Parameters["srcId"].Value ="{8b06c75c-d628-4b58-8fcd-43af276755fc}";
vpn2.Parameters["destId"].Value ="{8b06c75c-d628-4b58-8fcd-43af276755fc}";

vpn.Body.Items = new Collection<Vpn> {vpn1, vpn2};

  //Getting the XML:
string xml = vpn.SerializeToXml();

In the above client code, we have just added two VPN connections. One is named MyVPN1 and the other named MyVPN2 .

It just sets a couple of the parameters and attaches both VPN connections to our previously created network (that is, Acme Corp).

Notice here the use of another new C# 3.0 feature (see my blog post: object collection initializers and object initializers ).

Finally, we call the Provisionmethod that actually provisions the device with the VPN connections. So what does this look like in Windows Mobile after you run the code? Here’s a screen shot:

As you can see, we have created two VPN connections and added them to our “Acme Corp” network.

The sample code that you can download with this article contains a Windows project named “Client” which shows how to call the managed CSP API—a library named Microsoft.WindowsMobile.ConfigurationServiceProvider. The sample code contains the “old-fashioned” XML builder code to create the network and connection for you, so you can run through the managed CSP and add VPNs without the worry of creating a network. Ideally, of course, you would create a managed network and connection characteristic so you can use the managed API instead of raw XML, but I’ll leave you to do that.


We talked a little bit about what CSPs are in Windows Mobile and how you program them. We talked about the lack of richness with this model and that there is too much coupling between consumer code and the CSP model. That is, the CSPs do not encapsulate the schema, hence causing a coarsely grained model with consumer code. We also discussed the issues this lack of richness may cause. We then continued to walk through an example of creating a finely grained, feature-rich API to address these issues.

The API is fairly simple apart from the Characteristicclass and its children; extending it is easy. All you have to do is create an item in the CSP enumerator and add a new derived Characteristictype—that’s it!

The code can be downloaded from the MSDN Code Gallery here .

Author Bio

Simon Hart is working for Microsoft Gold Partner Edenbrook as a consultant, delivering enterprise mobility solutions and anything in-between. Simon writes regularly over at and can be seen most days within the mobility community newsgroups.