Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Sets an owning parent for the video window.

HRESULT put_Owner(


[in] Handle of new owner window.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULTvalue.


This method offers a way for applications to set the owner of the video window. This is often used when playing videos in compound documents. This method changes the parent of the renderer window and sets the WS_CHILD style for the video window.

To forward video window messages to the parent window, use the IVideoWindow::put_MessageDrainmethod, supplying the window handle of the parent window. This method does not post messages automatically.

After using this method to set the owner of a video window, you must reset the owner to NULL (by calling put_Owner(NULL)) before releasing the filter graph. Otherwise, messages will continue to be sent to this window and errors will likely occur when the application is terminated.