Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Determines if a specified time format is supported.

HRESULT IsFormatSupported( const GUID *


[in] Time format to compare.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULTvalue that depends on the implementation of the interface. The default DirectShow implementation returns S_OK if the time format is supported; otherwise returns S_FALSE.


Time formats are defined as follows:

TIME_FORMAT_NONE Seeking is not supported.
TIME_FORMAT_FRAME Seeks to specific video frames.
TIME_FORMAT_SAMPLE Seeks to samples in the stream.
TIME_FORMAT_FIELD Seeks to interlaced video fields.
TIME_FORMAT_BYTE Seeks to a byte in the stream.
TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME Seeks to time stamps on the media samples.

Third-party vendors are encouraged to add their own time formats to this list.