Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

IFilterMapper Interface

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The IFilterMapperinterface is an abstraction that represents registered information about filters. This allows properties of filters to be looked up during loading.

When to Implement

This interface is implemented on the filter mapper and is not intended to be implemented by developers.

When to Use

This interface is used by filters to register and unregister themselves. This is handled in the base classes by the CBaseFilter::Registerand CBaseFilter::Unregistermember functions. It is also used by the filter graph manager to look up filters and determine their characteristics when building a filter graph to render a given media type.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments the reference count.
Release Decrements the reference count.
IFilterMapper methods Description
RegisterFilter Records the details of a filter in the registry.
RegisterFilterInstance Registers an identifiable instance of a filter.
RegisterPin Records the details of a pin in the registry.
RegisterPinType Adds a type for the pin to the registry.
UnregisterFilter Deletes a filter from the registry.
UnregisterFilterInstance Deletes an identifiable instance of a filter.
UnregisterPin Deletes a pin from the registry.
EnumMatchingFilters Finds all filters matching specific requirements.