Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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The IDirectDraw4::GetDeviceIdentifiermethod obtains information about the driver. This method can be used, with caution, to recognize specific hardware installations in order to implement workarounds for poor driver and chipset behavior.

HRESULT GetDeviceIdentifier(


Address of a DDDEVICEIDENTIFIERstructure to receive information about the driver.
Flags specifying options. The following flag is defined:
DDGDI_GETHOSTIDENTIFIER Causes the method to return information about the host (typically 2-D) adapter in a system equipped with a stacked secondary 3-D adapter. Such an adapter appears to the application as if it were part of the host adapter, but is typically located on a separate card. When the dwFlagsparameter is zero, the stacked secondary's information is returned, because this most accurately reflects the qualities of the DirectDraw object involved.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is DD_OK.

If the method fails, the return value may be DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS.


Runs on Versions Declared in Link to
Windows CE OS 2.12 or later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later. ddraw.h ddraw.lib