Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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The video renderer's filter is being removed or destroyed. Video renderers send this event notification so that resources that depend on window focus can be passed to other filters.


Pointer to the IBaseFilterinterface whose window is being destroyed.


This event notification is not sent to the application. A renderer should send this notification when its window is destroyed. The first parameter must be the renderer's IBaseFilterinterface. In fact, sending this when the filter is being destroyed might be too late, because the filter graph manager might have already been destroyed. Therefore, it is best to handle this when the renderer's IBaseFilter::JoinFilterGraphmethod is called with a null filter graph (indicating that the renderer is about to be removed from the filter graph). Sending these event codes allows the plug-in distributor in the filter graph manager to pass on resources that depend on window focus to other filters (such as audio devices).

For information on how to use this event code, see CBaseFilter::NotifyEvent.