Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Retrieves the upstream allocator.

HRESULT GetAllocator(


Returned allocator.

Return Values

Returns a NOERROR if the method retrieves an allocator being used by the downstream filter. If no such allocator exists, returns S_OK if the method retrieves an allocator being used by the output pin of the in-place transform filter. If neither of these types of allocators can be retrieved, returns VFW_E_NO_ALLOCATOR.


This member function overrides the CBaseInputPin::GetAllocatormember function and implements the IMemInputPin::GetAllocatormethod. If an allocator has already been agreed upon, this member function supplies that allocator. Otherwise, if the downstream input pin can supply an allocator, it does so. If no allocator is available, this member function returns VFW_E_NO_ALLOCATOR.