Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

CTransformOutputPin Class

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The CTransformOutputPinclass implements the output pin of a simple transform filter. It is the class assigned to the m_pOutputdata member of the CTransformFilterclass. Typically, you can create objects of a class derived from CTransformFilterwithout modifying the CTransformOutputPinclass. If you want to override this class and derive a class from CTransformFilter, use the class and then override the CTransformFilter::GetPinmember function to create pins of your derived class.

Protected Data Members

m_pTransformFilter Pointer to the owning CTransformFilterobject.

Public Data Members

m_pPosition Pointer to a CPosPassThruobject that implements the IMediaPositioninterface to pass media position commands on to the upstream filter.

Member Functions

CTransformOutputPin Constructs a CTransformOutputPinobject.
CurrentMediaType Retrieves the media type currently assigned to the filter.

Overridable Member Functions

BreakConnect Informs the derived class when the connection is broken.
CheckConnect Informs the derived class when the connection process is starting.
CheckMediaType Determines if the pin can use a specified media type.
CompleteConnect Informs the derived class when the connection process has completed.
DecideBufferSize Determines the number and size of buffers required.
GetMediaType Returns the media type that the output pin uses.
SetMediaType Informs the derived class when the media type is established for the connection.

Implemented IQualityControl Methods

Notify Receives a quality-control notification, typically from a downstream filter. This method is inherited from the IQualityControlinterface through the CBasePinclass.

Implemented IPin Methods

QueryId Retrieves an identifier for the pin.

Implemented INonDelegatingUnknown Methods

NonDelegatingQueryInterface Returns an interface and increments the reference count.