Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Returns the next block of data from the stream.

HRESULT Receive(


Media sample.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULTvalue.


This member function implements the IMemInputPin::Receivemethod, and it overrides the CBaseInputPin::Receivemember function, which it calls to verify formats.

This is a blocking synchronous member function. It blocks and waits until it is time for the sample to be rendered. (It calls CBaseRenderer::Receive, which actually does the blocking.) Because only one sample is ever outstanding, this member function checks the media type and calls CRendererInputPin::SetMediaTypeto change the pin's media type if the sample's type has changed.

Call the IUnknown::AddRefmethod if you must hold the returned data block beyond the completion of the CRendererInputPin::Receivemember function. If you call AddRef, be sure to call the IUnknown::Releasemethod upon completion of AddRef.