Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Passes in a single sample to send to the input pin.

HRESULT Receive(


Pointer to the sample to be passed to the connected input pin.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULTvalue, which can include the following values, or others.

S_FALSE End of stream detected before or while processing sample; any further samples will be discarded and this value returned.
Other An error occurred before or while processing sample; any further samples will be discarded and this value returned.
S_OK Queued successfully or passed to the connected input pin if there is no queue.


If the sticky return code ( m_hr) is not S_OK, the sample is not sent and the sticky return code is returned. (A sticky return code is one that persists even after operations that would usually change its value.) The samples are all released (by means of Release) after processing, regardless of whether the processing was successful.