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This function enables a debugger to continue a thread that previously reported a debugging event.
BOOL ContinueDebugEvent( DWORD dwProcessId , DWORD dwThreadId , DWORD dwContinueStatus );
If the DBG_CONTINUE flag is specified for this parameter and the thread specified by the dwThreadIdparameter previously reported an EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT debugging event, the function stops all exception processing and continues the thread. For any other debugging event, this flag simply continues the thread.
If the DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED flag is specified for this parameter and the thread specified by dwThreadIdpreviously reported an EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT debugging event, the function continues exception processing. If this is a first-chance exception event, the search and dispatch logic of the structured exception handler is used; otherwise, the process is terminated. For any other debugging event, this flag simply continues the thread.
Return Values
Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
Only the thread that created dwProcessIdwith the CreateProcessfunction can call ContinueDebugEvent.
After the ContinueDebugEventfunction succeeds, the specified thread continues. Depending on the debugging event previously reported by the thread, different actions occur. If the continued thread previously reported an EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT debugging event, ContinueDebugEventcloses the handle the debugger has to the thread. If the continued thread previously reported an EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT debugging event, ContinueDebugEventcloses the handles the debugger has to the process and to the thread.
Runs On | Versions | Defined in | Include | Link to |
Windows CE OS | 2.0 and later | Winbase.h |
Note This API is part of the complete Windows CE OS package as provided by Microsoft. The functionality of a particular platform is determined by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and some devices may not support this API.
See Also