Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

CMsgThread Class

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This class is a worker thread class that queues requests to the queuing thread for completion asynchronously. To use this class, derive your class from it and override the CMsgThread::ThreadMessageProcmember function. The ThreadMessageProcmember function carries out each request. Your client functions and the ThreadMessageProcmember function must share a common definition of the parameters in the CMsgobject.

A negotiated mechanism tells the worker thread to exit. Typically, this will be one value of the CMsgclass's uMsgmessage code.

It is a good idea to send this message from the destructor of your derived class, and call the CMsgThread::WaitForThreadExitmember function before completing the destruction of the derived class.

Protected Data Members

m_hSem Indicates a handle used for signaling.
m_Lock Protects access to lists.
m_lWaiting Indicates waiting for a free thread.
m_ThreadQueue Overrides the CMsgThread::GetThreadMsgmember function and blocks on things other than this queue.

Member Functions

CMsgThread Constructs a CMsgThreadobject.
CreateThread Creates a thread.
GetThreadHandle Returns the thread handle.
GetThreadID Returns the identifier of the thread.
GetThreadPriority Retrieves the current thread priority.
PutThreadMsg Queues a request for execution by the worker thread.
ResumeThread Continues the operation of the worker thread.
SetThreadPriority Sets the priority of the thread to a new value.
SuspendThread Suspends the operation of a running thread.
WaitForThreadExit Blocks until the thread has exited after a call to the CMsgThread::SuspendThreadmember function.

Overridable Member Functions

GetThreadMsg Retrieves a queued CMsgobject containing a request.
OnThreadInit Provides initialization on a thread.
ThreadMessageProc Processes requests. This is a pure virtual member function.