Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

CGuidNameList Class

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This class implements an array of globally unique identifier (GUID) names based on the predefined names of GUIDs that come with Microsoft DirectShow. (This might or might not include user-defined GUIDs.) To get the name used for a GUID, look it up in the GuidNamesarray:

int MyFunc(AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt) { DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,
2, TEXT("MyFunc: Type %s, Subtype %s"), GuidNames[mt.majortype],
GuidNames[mt.subtype] )); ... }


operator[ ] Allows access to the GUID name for a given GUID.

Global Data

GuidNames Array of CGuidNameListobjects describing the predefined names of GUIDs that come with DirectShow. (This might or might not include user-defined GUIDs.)