Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

CDisp Class

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The CDispclass provides methods for displaying a number of data types for debugging. It provides a constructor for each type, and can be cast to the LPCTSTRtype for use as a string in a debug statement.

For example, the following code fragment:

int MyFunc(REFERENCE_TIME rt, IPin *pPin) {
DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 2, TEXT("MyFunc(%s, %s)"), (LPCTSTR)
CDisp(CRefTime(rt)), (LPCTSTR) CDisp(pPin))); ... }

could output the following reference time and pin information onto the debug log:

Quartz.dll(tid d7) : MyFunc(1.003 sec,
CLSID_AudioRender(Audio Input pin (rendered)))

Member Functions

CDisp Constructs a CDispobject.


LPCTSTR Casts to an LPCTSTRtype for use in a debug string.