Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Resets the end-of-stream flag.

virtual HRESULT ResetEndOfStream(void);

Return Values

Returns an HRESULTvalue.


This member function is typically called when changing to stopped states. A renderer must keep track of when it gets told that no more data is going to arrive (this is done when the sourcing filter calls IPin::EndOfStream). At this point the renderer finishes rendering any data it has and then sends an EC_COMPLETE event to the filter graph manager.

However, when the filter is stopped, the whole state is cleared. When the filter is subsequently run, the source filter will signal the end of stream again if it has no data to send. In this case, the renderer should signal another EC_COMPLETE event to the filter graph manager. This member function resets the state so that when next requested it will send an EC_COMPLETE event.