Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Determines if the renderer is ready to process the next sample.

BOOL CheckReady(void);

Return Values

Returns TRUE if the m_evCompleteevent is currently set, but does not block.


This member function calls the CAMEvent::Checkmember function. This is mainly used in transitioning to paused states. When a renderer is paused, it should not complete the state change until it has received some data. So although the call to IMediaFilter::Pausecompletes immediately, if the application calls IMediaFilter::GetStateit will return VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE. When a sample arrives at the renderer, the event that is initially reset during the pause call will be signaled. At this point, an application calling IMediaFilter::GetStatewill return NOERROR. This process allows an application to pause a filter graph and then wait until data is actually queued and ready to be rendered.