Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Initiates a connection from this pin to the other pin.

HRESULT Connect(
IPin *


Input pin to connect to.
Optional media type parameter.

Return Values

Returns one of the following arguments by default; if overridden, should return standard HRESULTvalues.

VFW_E_ALREADY_CONNECTED This output pin is already connected to another pin.
VFW_E_NOT_STOPPED The filter graph is not in a stopped state and connection can't be performed.
Other error value Returned from CBasePin::AgreeMediaTypeor CBasePin::CheckConnector overridden versions of these member functions.


This member function implements the IPin::Connectmethod. IPin::Connectis implemented on the output pin and calls the IPin::ReceiveConnectionmethod for the connected input pin (implemented in the base classes as CBasePin::ReceiveConnection). This member function calls the virtual CBasePin::CheckConnectmember function, which can be overridden to verify that the connection is possible. CBasePin::CheckConnectthen calls CBasePin::AgreeMediaTypeto negotiate a common media type with the connected pin.

CBasePin::AgreeMediaTypecalls CBasePin::TryMediaTypestwice; once for this pin's media type enumerator and once for the receiving pin's media type enumerator. For each media type found, CBasePin::AttemptConnectionis called, which in turn calls the receiving pin's IPin::ReceiveConnectionmethod, and finally CBasePin::CompleteConnectif successful.