Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

CAMSchedule Class

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The CAMScheduleclass relieves clocks from the burden of managing the advise requests. A clock can delegate such management to this class, provided that it calls this class's Advisemethod when the earliest event should be fired. The application can fetch the time of the earliest event by calling GetNextAdviseTime, or the application can track events by a combination of the times returned by Adviseand the event times that the clock adds.

Member Functions

AddAdvisePacket Creates a new pending notification.
Advise Requests the scheduler to dispatch all events up to and including the time specified.
CAMSchedule Constructs a CAMSchedule object.
GetAdviseCount Returns the number of outstanding events.
GetEvent Returns the event handle to send if the advise time requires reevaluation.
GetNextAdviseTime Returns the reference time at which the next advise should be set, or MAX_TIME if no events are scheduled.
Unadvise Removes a previously established advise link.