Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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Handles an assertion failure in a debug build. DbgAssertwill display a message box that includes the condition text, source file name, and source line number. The user will be given the choice to ignore the assertion failure, debug the assertion, or force the application to exit. Thus DbgAssertmight return to the caller, depending on the user's actions.

void WINAPI DbgAssert(
const TCHAR *
const TCHAR *
INT iLine);


Pointer to a string version of a Boolean expression.
Pointer to a source file name.
Line number within the source file.


This function is available only in a debug build. Usually, DbgAssertwill be called by macros such as ASSERT, not directly from other code.

If you use the ASSERTmacro, DbgAssertmight display a message box. If this is not acceptable in your environment, you can use DbgKernelAssertinstead.