Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

Speaker Configuration

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DirectSound uses the speaker configurationthat is, the position of the speakers relative to the listenerto optimize 3-D effects for the user's sound system.

The speaker configuration can be set with IDirectSound::SetSpeakerConfigand can be retrieved with IDirectSound::GetSpeakerConfig. The GetSpeakerConfigproperty simply returns a default value or the last value you set with SetSpeakerConfig.

In Windows 98 and Windows 2000, the speaker configuration can be set by the user in Control Panel. An application can retrieve this value by using IDirectSound::GetSpeakerConfigand override it by calling IDirectSound::SetSpeakerConfig.

In Windows 95 and Windows CE, GetSpeakerConfigsimply returns a default value or the last value you set with SetSpeakerConfig.

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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