Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

Monitoring Stream Status and Network Reception

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The Microsoft Windows Media Player (WMP) control can provide you with advanced information about the performance of the media playback. Some of this information can be used for proper operation of the WMP control in scripts, while other information allows you to monitor the network reception rates for the media file.

For example, when creating a script to operate the "Play" function of the WMP control, you would want to use the PlayStateproperty to determine whether the WMP control was already playing a media file. The example that follows shows a script that starts the WMP control only if it is not currently playing a file (i.e. PlayState != 2).

<SCRIPT> function onPlay() {
if(MediaPlayer.PlayState!=2) MediaPlayer.Play(); }

You could also notify users of any buffering that the WMP control is doing with the current file, updating the buffering progress on the web page while they are waiting for the playback to begin.

Stream status properties include: